Saturday, September 29, 2012

Without One Error

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.
Haggai 1:7

Jesus Himself when He came, He knew He was the Word. He--He was positive of that. For He, when He was just twelve years old, a little Boy, we find Him (like I was speaking yesterday) in the temple, debating with the priests. His knowledge could surpass their traditions, and He was teaching them, them men. And when His Own mother come to Him, and done a--said a word that was wrong, watch the Word correct the error. The Word always corrects the error. And if people could only see it today, the Word corrects the error. The whole thing is becoming an error. But God's Word is what's right. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And the Word that's prophesied for this day corrects the error of the day. You understand? The Word Itself corrects the error.His Unfailing Words Of Promise
We have a pure message for our day, without one error! Praise God!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Jesus...More Important Then Freedom

This Young Sister is imprisoned for her faith and she is only 17 years old, my age

I live in a nation where I can believe in Jesus freely, but not 
Her family disowned her for believing on Jesus.
Please keep her in your prayers that the Lord will make a way for her to go free before two years have passed. 

Hebrews 13:3
Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

Eva Abdullah
Eva Abdullah, 17, welcomed Christ into her life three years ago, though she grew up Muslim. After her conversion, her parents disowned her. A group of radicals in her hometown of Bagamoyo on Tanzania’s coast sought to convince her to give up her new Christian faith. When she refused, they falsely accused her of urinating on a Quran, Islam’s holy book. Eva was arrested and put in prison and many Christian leaders were too afraid to get involved in her case because of Muslim dominance in the district. At her trial on July 23, the judge, who was allegedly bribed by the Islamic militants who accused her, sentenced Eva to two years imprisonment.


Language: English
Although Tanzania is not on VOM’s list of hostile and restricted areas but our contacts report increased antagonism toward Christians due to a radical Islamic influence. In 2013, VOM designated Zanzibar as a hostile area. Any convert to Christianity in the almost-exclusively Muslim island of Zanzibar faces beatings, family rejection, possible imprisonment or even death. Established churches have faced repeated attacks by vandals and Muslim mobs. Mosque leaders instruct their followers to punish apostates according to strict Shariah law. Those who speak publicly about their faith or against Islam are subject to imprisonment and mob justice. Some of this radicalism has also found its way to the Tanzanian mainland.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Rejected King


 This quote from the sermon The Rejected King really encouraged me and I pray it may be a blessing to you all as well!

126 And I woke up; I thought, "I'm dreaming so much. I wonder why." And I looked down and she was laying by me. And I raised up on my pillow, as many of you people have done, put my head upon the--the headboard of the bed, and put my hands behind me. I was laying there like this, and I said, "Well, I just wonder what it will be the other side. I am already fifty, and I haven't done nothing yet. If I could only do something to help the Lord. For I know I won't be mortal. Half of my time is gone, at least, or more than half. If I live to be as old as my people, still half my time is gone. And I looked around and I was laying there fixing to get up. It was about seven o'clock. I said, "I believe I'll go down to church this morning if I am hoarse. I'd like to hear Brother Neville preach." So I--I said, "Are you awake, honey?" And she was sleeping very soundly.
And I don't want you to miss this. It has changed me. I can't be the same Brother Branham that I was.

130 And I looked, and I heard something kept saying, "You're just starting. Press the battle. Just keep pressing."
I shook my head a minute and then I thought, "Well, I probably just thinking like this, you know, a person can get some imaginations ." and I said, "I just probably imagined that."
It said, "Press the battle. Keep going. Keep going."
And I said, "Maybe I said it."
And I put my lips within my teeth, and put my hand over my mouth, and there it come again; said, "Just keep pressing. If you only knew what was at the end of the road." And it seemed like I could hear Graham Snelling, or somebody that sing that song like this; they sings it here, Anna Mae and all of you all:
I am homesick and blue, and I want to see Jesus;
I would like to hear those sweet harbor bells chime;
It would brighten my path and would vanish all fears;
Lord, let me look past the curtain of time.
You've heard it sang here at the church.
And I heard something say, "Would you like to see just beyond the curtain?"
I said, "It would help me so much." And I looked, and in just a moment, I--one breath, I'd come into a little place that's slanted. I looked back, and there I was laying on the bed. And I said, "This is a strange thing."
137 Now, I would not want you to repeat this. This is before my church, or my sheep that I am pastoring. Whether it was I was in this body or out, whether it was a translation... It wasn't like any vision I ever had. I could look there, and I could look here. And when I hit that little place, I never seen so many people come running, screaming, "Oh, our precious brother." And I looked, and young women, maybe in their early twenties (eighteen to twenty), they were throwing their arms around me and screaming, "Our precious brother."
Here come young men in the brilliance of young manhood, and their eyes glistening and looking like stars on a darkened night, their teeth as white as pearl, and they were screaming, and grabbing me, and screaming, "Oh, our precious brother." And I stopped and I looked, and I was young. I looked back at my old body laying there with my hands behind my head. I said, "I don't understand this." And these young women throwing their arms around me...
142 Now, I do realize this is a mixed audience, and I say this with the sweetness and with the mellowness of the Spirit. Men cannot put your arm around women without a human sensation. But it wasn't there. There was no yesterday nor tomorrow. They didn't get tired. They were... I never seen such pretty women in all my life. They had hair way down to their waistline, long skirts to their feet, and they were just a hugging me. It wasn't a hug like even my own sister setting there would hug me. They were not kissing me, and I was not kissing them. It was something that I--I have not got the--the vocabulary; I haven't got the words to say. Perfection wouldn't touch it. Superb wouldn't even touch it nowhere. It was something that I never... You just have to be there.
143 And I looked this a way and that way, and they were coming by the thousands. And I said, "I--I don't understand this." I said, "Why, they..."
And here come Hope; that was my first wife. She run and never said, "My husband." She said, "My precious brother." And when she hugged me, there was another woman standing there that'd hugged me, and then Hope hugged this woman, and each one...
And I thought, "Oh, wh--this has to be something different; it--it can't be. There's something..." I thought, "Oh, would I ever want to go back to that old carcass again?" I looked around there and I thought, "What is this?" And I looked real good, and I--I said, "I--I can't understand this." But Hope seemed to be like a--oh a guest of honor. She was no different but just like a guest of honor.
146 And I heard a voice then that spoke to me that was in the room, said, "This is what you preached was the Holy Ghost. This is perfect love. And nothing can enter here without it." I am more determined than ever in my life that it takes perfect love to enter there. There was no jealousy. There was no tiredness. There was no death. Sickness could never in there. Mortality could never make you old, and the--they could not cry. It was just one joy, "Oh, my precious brother."
And they took me up and set me up on a great big high place. And I thought, "I am not dreaming. I'm looking back at my--my body laying down there on the bed." And they set me up there, and I said, "Oh, I shouldn't set up here."
And here come women and men from both sides just in the bloom of youth, screaming. And one woman was standing there, and she screamed, "Oh, my precious brother. Oh, we are so happy to see you here."
I said, "I don't understand this."
And then that voice that was speaking from above me, said, "You know it is written in the Bible that the prophets were gathered with their people."
And I said, "Yes, I remember that in the Scriptures."
Said, "Why, this is when you will gather with your people."
I said, "Then they'll be real, and I can feel them."
"Oh, yes."
I said, "But I... There's millions. There's not that many Branhams."
And that voice said, "They're not Branhams; them's your converts. That's the ones that you've led to the Lord." And said, "Some of them women there that you think are so beautiful were better than ninety years old when you led them to the Lord. No wonder they're screaming, 'Our precious brother.'"
And they screamed all at once, "If you hadn't have went, we wouldn't be here."
156 I looked around and I thought, "Well, I don't get it." I said, "Oh, where is Jesus? I want to see Him so bad."
They said, "Now, He's just a little higher, right up that way." Said, "Someday He will come to you." You see? Said, "You were sent for a leader. And God will come, and when He does, He'll judge you according to what you taught them, first; whether they go in or not. We'll go in according to your teaching."
I said, "Oh, I'm so glad. Did Paul, does he have to stand like this? Does Peter have to stand like this?"
I said, "Then I've preached every word that they preached. I never divvied from it one side to the other. Where they baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, I did too. Where they taught the baptism of the Holy Ghost, I did too. Whatever they taught, I did too."
And them people screamed and said, "We know that, and we know we're going with you someday back to earth." Said, "Jesus will come, and you'll be judged according to the Word that you preached us. And then, if you are accepted at that time, which you will be," and said, "then you will present us to Him as your trophies of your ministry." Said, "You will guide us to Him, and all together we'll go back to the earth to live forever."
I said, "Do I have to return back now?"
"Yes, but keep pressing on."
160 I looked, and I could see the people, just as far as I could see, still coming, wanting to hug me, screaming, "Our precious brother."
Just then a voice said, "All that you ever loved, and all that ever loved you, God has given you here." And I looked and here come my old dog come walking up. Here come my horse and laid his head up over my shoulder and nickered.
Said, "All that you ever loved and all that ever loved you, God has given them into your hands through your ministry."
And I felt myself move from that beautiful place. And I looked around. I said, "Are you awake, honey?" She was still asleep and I thought, "O God, oh, help me, O God. Never let me compromise with one word. Let me stay right straight on that Word and preach It. I don't care what comes or goes, what anybody does, how many Sauls of... sons of Kish rise, how many this, that, or the other, let me, Lord, press to that place.
164 All fear of death... I say this with my Bible before me this morning. I've got a little boy there four years old, to be raised. I've got a nine year old girl and a teen-ager that I'm thankful for, that's turned the way of the Lord. God, let me live to bring them up in the admonition of God. Above that, the whole world seems to scream to me. Ninety year old women and men and all kinds, "If you hadn't have went, we wouldn't been here." And, God, let me press the battle. But if it comes to dying, I am no more... It would be a joy; it would be a pleasure to enter from this corruption and disgrace.
If I could make up yonder, one hundred billion miles high, a square block, and that's perfect love. Each step this way, it narrows until we get down to where we are now. It would be just merely a shadow of corruption. That little something that we can sense and feel that there's something somewhere, we don't know what it is.
Oh, my precious friend, my beloved, my darlings of the Gospel, my begotten children unto God, listen to me, your pastor. You... I wish there was some way I could explain it to you. There's no words. I couldn't find it. It's not found anywhere. But just beyond this last breath is the most glorious thing that you ever... There is no way to explain it. There's no way; I just can't do it. But whatever you do, friends, lay aside everything else till you get perfect love. Get to a spot that you can love everybody, every enemy, everything else. That one visit there to me has made me a different man. I can never, never, never be the same Brother Branham that I was.
169 Whether the planes are rocking, whether lightning's a-flashing, whether the spies has a gun on me, whatever it is, it doesn't matter. I'm going to press the battle by the grace of God while I preach the Gospel to every creature and every person that I can, persuading them to that beautiful land yonder. It may seem hard; it may take a lot of strength.
I don't know how much longer. We don't know. Physically speaking the--from my examination the other day, said, "You've got twenty-five years of hard, good life. You're solid." That helped me. But, oh, that wasn't it. That isn't it. It's something within here. This corruption has got to put on incorruption; this mortal's got to put on immortality.
171 Sons of Kish may rise. I have... All the good things they do, I have nothing evil to say against it: giving to the poor and to charity. And you remember, why, Samuel told Saul, "You'll also prophesy." And many of those men are great mighty preachers, can preach the Word like archangels, but still it wasn't God's will. God was to be their King. And brother, sister, you let the Holy Spirit lead you. Let us bow our heads just a moment.
I'm so homesick and blue, and I want to see Jesus,
I would like to hear those sweet harbor bells chime.
It would brighten my path and would vanish all fear;
Lord, let us look a past the curtain of time.
Lord, let me look a past the curtain of sorrows and fear;
Let me view that sunny bright clime.
It would strengthen our faith and would vanish all fear;
Lord, let them look a past the curtain of time.
172 I am sure, Lord, if this little church this morning could just look a past the curtain: not an affliction among them, nor never could be, not a sickness, nothing but perfection, and it's just one breath between here and there, from old age to youth, from time to eternity, from a weary of tomorrow and a sorrow of yesterday till a present time of eternity in perfection.

A Quick Post

    Sorry every one it has been a while since I've blogged I have been very busy this week because I am getting ready for a Christian Youth Camp in Ohio! I will be driving there with my Church Song Leader, His Family, My Mom, as well as other friends! I will be gone for two weeks, when I  get back I will try to start posting more often then I have been doing!

   Here it some pictures of the sparrow I raised. He sure does not look like the pictures I put on my last post.

                                            I was having fun taking pictures of him today!

 About two weeks ago my dad surprised me with a little animal, I couldn't believe what it was. When I went to my dad's truck to see, it was a pygmy goat, and I named him Firefly!

God Bless You All!


Monday, May 21, 2012

God's Eye is on the Sparrow

Hello again!

We took in 10 baby quail that hatched in our barn.
My mom found the babies without their mother and we didn't know if she would come back, so here we are taking care of them!

(I thought I was done saving birds when I moved, because I did not have any more cats. The cats always brought them in for me to take care of. Well I think they wanted to eat them, but I did not give them that choice. If they had a bird, I took if from them no matter what!) I told my mom, "I thought I was done saving birds"
 and she said "The Lord is bringing them to you instead of the cats."

A few days after the quail came we saved a baby Sparrow. The birds have a nest on our back porch and my mom found the baby, hanging by its wing on the wall. We thought about putting it back, but we did not know how far in the bird nest was in the roof and she did not want to put her hand in there to find out in case of a spider. Also the mother might have kicked it out. :( That's sad if she did.)

My mom did not think the baby would live, but I prayed for it and the Lord answered my prayer!
I have been feeding him chick starter and he just loves to eat, so I feed him about every two hours. It sure has been a true blessing to see him grow!

The Lord was so mindful of us finding the sparrow, so it could live.
 Being able to take care of the sparrow, it reminds me of this scripture.

Matthew 10:24-31 (KJV)

24 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.
25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

If He cares when a baby sparrow falls out of its nest how much more will He take care of us, from the biggest down to the smallest. He is so concerned about every part of our lives! Thank the Lord for His never ending love and all seeing eye! Let us fully rest in him for our every need!

                                      These pictures were taken a day or two after my mom saved it.

                                         These were taken today, six days after I got him.

                                      (P.S. Sorry my camera does not take very good pictures.)

Here is a dove with her two babies, who made a home in our barn.
It is so wonderful to see all the different kinds of birds and to see the babies grow and soon off to start their own families.

God Bless You Richly


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Golden Nuggets

The impossibles are made real, when God is took at His Word.
55-0826 The Same Jesus Tonight

Help me fight the devil as long as I got a tooth in my mouth, then gum him till I die.
Israel And The Church 4 53-0328

And in the beginning God has created you to be master of every circumstance. That's--that's the origin; that's authentic; that's God's Word. There was nothing, nothing could happen, unless you was the master of it. That's what you were created for.
Then sin came along through fall and blinded the eyes of it. And now, Jesus came along and redeemed it back. And now, the Father gives you the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you, giving you all these Divine promises.
55-0113 The Fundamental Foundation For Faith

Give me a preacher; give me a Christian; give me a housewife that's a Christian; give me a farmer or a factory worker that'll put God first in everything, I'll show you a man that'll be successful in the spite of all the devil can put on him. He seeks God first.
55-0724 Enticing Spirits

Now, everybody can't be a preacher, but you got a voice. And if you can't preach the people a sermon... If you're a preacher, you're called to the pulpit to preach. If you're not, you're still a preacher, but live the people a sermon. Let your sermon be lived, and it's the Voice of God that'll bring reproach to them who reject It. They say, "No one can put a finger on his or her life. They're sweet, living... They... If there ever was a man of God, it's that man or that woman." See, live your sermons. Don't try to preach them if you're not called to be a preacher; you get all mixed up, anyhow, and messed up, and you'll get people tangled up, and you won't know... Well, you'll--you'll ruin them and yourself, too. Just live your sermon!
The preacher's called to preach his, and to live it too. If you can't live It, then you stop preaching It. But you're supposed to live your sermons.
All right, here was "voices." Oh, how we need in Jeffersonville thousands of lived voices, the thunder of God thundering out in sweetness and holiness, purity, undefiled lives, walking around in the earth today, without a blemish. Yes, sir, real Christians, that's thunder against the enemy. The Devil don't care how loud you can holler; the Devil don't care how much you can jump or how much you can do this or shout. But what hurts the Devil is to see that sanctified, holy life consecrated to God; say anything to him, call him anything, just as sweet as it can be and move right on. Oh, my! That throws him away, that's the thunder that shakes the Devil.
61-0108 Revelation Chapter Four #3

God gave you to Christ as a love gift for His sacrifice. And you are brought to Christ by the Holy Spirit Who wooed you through the Blood of the Lord Jesus, and presented to Him as a gift. And God loved His gifts. And He will not stand to see them destroyed.
57-0120M Impersonation Of Christianity

That's what we're--we should do always, is try to do something to help somebody else. After all, that's the Christian attitude towards things.
This is a great heavy burden that no one knows nothing about. That's just God and I alone. But when I do get to go to bed, what a wonderful privilege I have to kneel down before God and say, "Father, I've done the best that I know how today. I've done all that I know how to make life just a little more pleasant for people."
51-0929 Our Hope Is In God

There's many people just can't believe It, even Spirit-filled people. I'm going to give you one that'll choke you. The baptism of the Holy Ghost don't mean you're going in, not at all, not on that, don't have anything to do with your soul. That's the baptism, see. Here's the inside soul, in here, that has to come from God.
65-1206 Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy

So is the believers today, who's hid out from place to place, but yet they know Who's coming to be King. I don't care who's going to be President. We know He's coming. And it looks farther away than it ever did, when science is trying to overrule, and say, "They can build a man; they can do this; and they take a rabbit and take the pollen and make another rabbit, and so forth," trying to disprove God's Word. Yet, there is a people who believe God, who stands just as pat as they ever did. No matter what comes or goes, they still believe God. God's right. They hold to God's unchanging hands. In the midst of battle, in the midst of tears, in the midst of sickness and death, and everything, they still hold to God's unchanging hand. They know that He's coming King.
58-1228 Why Little Bethlehem

And when you separate from Divine love, then you can't overlook your brother's mistakes no more. You got to bawl him out for it. That's right. You can't overlook sister's mistakes no more. Because you've got away from that Divine part, that love part. But if you really love the Lord Jesus, if sister or brother, does something to you, "Oh, well, that's all right, they didn't mean to do it." That's the kind of love that Christ had, "Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing."
55-1009 The Way To Have Fellowship

What we need today is the Holy Spirit back to feed the children, down by the shady green pastures and the still waters.
60-0608 Having Conferences

And every true servant of God that's sent out has got a whole Book full of Divine promises that he can offer to the Bride. I'm so glad of that. He's got gifts in there for her, and He will not hold any of them back. He will get every one of them cleanly. A true servant, a model servant, a servant that God can put trust in. He won't try to hide it back from her, because he knows that she is the oncoming Queen.
59-0611 The Time Of Decision

If Jesus Came to Your House

If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two 
If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you'd do. 
Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored Guest,
 And all the food you'd serve to Him would be the very best, 
And you keep assuring Him you're glad to have Him there
 That serving Him in your own home is joy beyond compare.

But when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door
 With arms outstretched in welcome to your heavenly Visitor? 
Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in?
 Or hide some magazines and put the Bible where they'd been?
 Would you turn off the radio and hope He hadn't heard? 
And wish you hadn't uttered that last, loud, hasty word?

Would you hide your worldly music and put some hymn books out? 
Could you let Jesus walk right in, or would you rush about? 
And I wonder if the Savior spent a day or two with you, 
Would you go right on doing the things you always do? 
Would you go right on saying the things you always say? 
Would life for you continue as it does from day to day?
Would your family conversation keep up its usual pace? 
And would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace? 
Would you sing the songs you always sing, 
and read the books you read, 
And let him know the things on which your mind and spirit feed?
 Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you'd planned to go?
 Or would you, maybe, change your plans for just a day or so?

Would you be glad to have Him meet your very closest friends? 
Or would you hope they'd stay away until His visit ends? 
Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on? 
Or would you sigh with great relief when He at last was gone?
 It might be interesting to know the things that you would do?
 If Jesus Christ in person came to spend some time with you.

 I really like this poem because it makes you think.
What is most important in our lives? 
Jesus sees every thing we do and He is here with us.
We should really think about the things we listen to,
look at, and who we are around. May every one of us do 
what is pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ all the days of our life. 


Thursday, March 15, 2012

I wrote this poem on the sermon I heard last night in church.

The Value of Little

What you think might be little,
Isn't little to God,
For it's not how much you have,
But what and who has given it.

God doesn't count, He weighs,
So be content with what ye have,
Little is much when God is in it,
For little is just enough.

Little faith can do the impossible,
Faith just as a mustard seed,
Healing will began to happen,
Loved ones will start coming in.

All you have to do is have a little faith,
Standing on the word of God,
Believing what He said is true,
The value of little is much to God.

God Bless You all!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Canning Spagetti Sauce and Making Noodles

Friday I tried  canning for the first time by myself. I did it a couple
of years ago with my sister and we had lots of fun.
 Besides canning, I made homemade noodles.
Here is some pictures of my adventures.

First of all I washed the jars and lids so they were nice and clean

Then I boiled water and put my tomatoes in it about a minute.

Then I put them in ice cold water
and the peeling just came right off.

Skinning the tomatoes,

Next I cut the tomatoes in 4ths and took out the seeds and juice
so the spaghetti sauce would not be to thin.

I put onions, garlic, dried basil, celery, salt, oregano, bay leaves,
red sweet peppers, and lemon juice in my tomatoes to flavor them.
I mixed it together on the stove and boiled it. The tomatoes just fall apart after cooking it

In the two pictures below I am sterilizing my jars and my lids.

It made a lot less then I thought it would. I was thinking about 3 to 4 quarts,
but I ended up with 2. I only canned 1 and used the other 1 for dinner.
It did not make very much, but it was fun and a good experience for me.

Okay noodle time!!
Only 4 ingredients
1. flour
2. salt
3. eggs
4. oil
5. water

I doubled the recipe.

I had to knead it for 8 to 10 minutes,
untill it was smooth and stretchy.

The recipe said to make it into about 6 different
pieces, then I started to roll it out, one section at
a time.

                                                       Here they are all rolled out.
                                                At this point I had to let them sit for 20

Then I started to slice them in thin strips
with a pizza cutter.

 I put them on hangers to dry.
That is what my recipe told me to do.
Have any of you done that with your food!

I let it dry for two hours, then I put them in bags
and stored them in the freezer.
They can stay in the freezer for 8 months.

For dinner the same day, I used one bag of noodles
and one jar of the homemade spaghetti sauce.

 Time to eat, come on over everyone!

Have a wonderful day!


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