Monday, March 5, 2012

Daily Bread

On every day they put a new quote for Brother Branham and a Bible verse on their site.This is the one they had today. May each day we live be a shining light around us.
For it is better to live a sermon then preach a sermon. And only use words when we need to, with Jesus leading us.

And he said unto them,
Go ye into all the world,
and preach the gospel to every creature.
MARK 16:15

In His Presence
Any man that comes into the Presence of God is responsible before God, from that minute on, to tell somebody else. Look at Abraham, look at Moses, look at Peter, look at Paul. The moment they come into the Presence of God, recognized themselves "sinners," and sealed their testimony with their life. Look at the little lady, she couldn't stay no longer, she went to the city and told the men, "Come, see the Man that told me the things I've done. Isn't this the Messiah?" They could not deny It, because It was Scriptural. Certainly. Yes, they've got to do it, a man, when we got a responsibility of telling others as Moses did, as Peter did, as Paul did. After these things, you've seen It and come into His Presence, you're responsible for the Message to get to somebody else. You just cannot sit still with It. You must take It to someone else.

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