Saturday, September 29, 2012

Without One Error

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.
Haggai 1:7

Jesus Himself when He came, He knew He was the Word. He--He was positive of that. For He, when He was just twelve years old, a little Boy, we find Him (like I was speaking yesterday) in the temple, debating with the priests. His knowledge could surpass their traditions, and He was teaching them, them men. And when His Own mother come to Him, and done a--said a word that was wrong, watch the Word correct the error. The Word always corrects the error. And if people could only see it today, the Word corrects the error. The whole thing is becoming an error. But God's Word is what's right. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And the Word that's prophesied for this day corrects the error of the day. You understand? The Word Itself corrects the error.His Unfailing Words Of Promise
We have a pure message for our day, without one error! Praise God!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Jesus...More Important Then Freedom

This Young Sister is imprisoned for her faith and she is only 17 years old, my age

I live in a nation where I can believe in Jesus freely, but not 
Her family disowned her for believing on Jesus.
Please keep her in your prayers that the Lord will make a way for her to go free before two years have passed. 

Hebrews 13:3
Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

Eva Abdullah
Eva Abdullah, 17, welcomed Christ into her life three years ago, though she grew up Muslim. After her conversion, her parents disowned her. A group of radicals in her hometown of Bagamoyo on Tanzania’s coast sought to convince her to give up her new Christian faith. When she refused, they falsely accused her of urinating on a Quran, Islam’s holy book. Eva was arrested and put in prison and many Christian leaders were too afraid to get involved in her case because of Muslim dominance in the district. At her trial on July 23, the judge, who was allegedly bribed by the Islamic militants who accused her, sentenced Eva to two years imprisonment.


Language: English
Although Tanzania is not on VOM’s list of hostile and restricted areas but our contacts report increased antagonism toward Christians due to a radical Islamic influence. In 2013, VOM designated Zanzibar as a hostile area. Any convert to Christianity in the almost-exclusively Muslim island of Zanzibar faces beatings, family rejection, possible imprisonment or even death. Established churches have faced repeated attacks by vandals and Muslim mobs. Mosque leaders instruct their followers to punish apostates according to strict Shariah law. Those who speak publicly about their faith or against Islam are subject to imprisonment and mob justice. Some of this radicalism has also found its way to the Tanzanian mainland.

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